SPOT+ News

Interview: Si Hawkins, “I’d be gutted if I missed SPOT”

Si Hawkins has guested SPOT festival as a journalist, for over ten years. His love for the festival is great, and he’s not afraid to admit it. I met him in a bowling alley, where he was part of the untraditional Super Bowl networking event. By Mads Kamp “I...

Women in live music talk diversity at SPOT+

by Salome Pkhaladze, photos by Guki Giunashvili, Jotland Station ( “Bigger diversity means bigger quality and more creativity” – live sound engineer Malle Kaas introduced her organization Women in Live Music with these words, at SPOT+...

MXD’s Superbowl – Quotes from the business

Photo: Allan Høgholm This morning MXD held their traditional networking-event during SPOT. This time the surroundings where not so traditional, though, because the event took place at Århus Bowlingcenter. The event was created for mingling and...

Interview: Dan Monsell, why SPOT is worth the trip

Music Export Denmark in association with SPOT+ put together a friendly social mixer at the bowling alley behind Scandinavian Congress Center on Saturday morning of SPOT. At the mixer we had a talk with Dan Monsell, about why he decided to take the trip to...

Befor the keynote: Is the music business that broken?

Scott Cohen keynote at SPOT aims at challenging the prophets of doom and gloom in the music industry By Henrik Friis Scott Cohen is an American living in England, co-founder of the world’s largest digital distributor The Orchard with offices in more than...

Godsbanen offers

Lets talk, Lets network, Lets meet. Spot festival is more than music, it is a rendezvous for music lovers, professionals and the music industry in general. It is the perfect setting for inspiration, new acquaintances and new business. That is why...

Sync is the talk of the town at SPOT

What is sync, why should you care and how can you benefit from it – those are some of the fundamental questions you can get answered at this year’s SPOT+ seminar, “Let’s talk Sync”, hosted by Tess Taylor, president of NARIP, the National Association of...

New Additions to the Extensive SPOT+ Programme:

SPOT+ can yet again present a string of new seminars and additions to already announced ones. Come hear the panellist discuss the role of the manager in Nordic music export, and what they need to do to stay relevant in a competitive world. Be inspired by the two...

SPOT+ International seminars

Welcome to the 4th edition of SPOT+, the conference & networking part of the SPOT festival 2018. Like the previous years, this edition will keep you updated on the latest from the music industry when it comes to important issues such as sync, brands,...

Let’s Talk Sync

We’re proud to present this 5th edition of our “Let’s Talk Sync”-sessions. This year the session, Saturday May 12th is organized and moderated by one of the sync industry’s most powerful networkers, Ms. Tess Taylor, president of NARIP – National...

Keynote: The Music Business Is Broke, And I Know How to Fix It

Scott Cohen is one of this year's keynotespeakers at SPOT+ - he will talk about a music industry going out of business - or will it...? US Scott Cohen, co-founder of The Orchard distribution service, is back at SPOT and he will do the year's keynote under...

Seminars: Denmark on the European map of music

Eurosonic zoomed in on Denmark and Danish music this year, and seen from our end the event was a great success even if we were also affected by the severe storm, which posed problems in most of Holland. Among other things it prevented Lydmor...

Denmark really bloomed at ESNS 2018

The "Denmark Blooms“ campaign at ESNS 2018 has been a great adventure. The 22 Danish acts has got a lot of attention and exposure from the crowds and from the media (still coming in these day). And the collaboration between Music Export Denmark...

SPOT 2018-talks-insights-networking-inspiration

SPOT+ 2018 – Talks – Insights – Networking - Inspiration Finally we have the pleasure of unveiling the first events at SPOT+ the seminar and network part of SPOT 2018. On the 11th and 12th of May, the fourth edition of SPOT+ will take place in  Radisson...