Stemningscitater fra Let’s Talk Sync

SPOT+ programmet bød på mange spændende seminarer, og et af dem var Let’s Talk Sync. Seminaret tiltrak for femte gang nogle af spidserne inden for supervison af sync, advertising og filmmusik, og her kan I læse, hvad nogle af deres indtryk af dette års SPOT var:

How has your SPOT experience been so far?

Mike Ladman fra Droga5 (Advertisement)
“It’s my first time at SPOT and it’s been a beautiful experience. SPOT is run really well and I’ve met a lot of interest and respect from the people here.”

Uli Kleppi fra Cookies For All (CEO)
“SPOT is a fantastic networking place to meet people with the same passion and exchange experiences. It’s an open minded and creative place.”

Tess Taylor fra NARIP (President)
“It’s my 3rd year at SPOT and it is still really well run and well produced. SPOT is extremely organized and has become a top shelf festival connecting top shelf business people – SPOT is giving SXSW (South by South West) a run for its money. I see an eager crowd that is willing to learn and do business.”

Jesper Gadeberg fra (creative music supervisor)
“SPOT er klart kommet op i en international liga. Netværks-delen er det vigtigste for mig, og her har SPOT virkelig udviklet sig.”