Mød Nadia Younes fra The Skinny
Inden SPOT 2018 introducerer MXD dig til flere af de internationale branchepersoner,som har bekræftet deres deltagelse på årets SPOT. Her kan du møde Nadia Younes fra det skotske kulturmedie The Skinny.
Du kan møde alle MXD’s internationale gæster til MXD’s Superbowl, vores årlige SPOT networking-arrangement mellem den internationale og danske musikbranche, som finder sted lørdag d. 12/5 i Århus Bowlinghal.
Name: Nadia Younes
Company: The Skinny
Title: Events Editor
Based in: Edinburgh, Scotland
Can you tell us a bit about the company’s history and its roster? Starting from a group of ten volunteers with a passion to promote their local scenes, The Skinny launched in October 2005 and is currently Scotland’s largest entertainment and listings magazine. The Skinny’s vision is to encourage all our readers, in print and digitally, to participate in the scenes around them – our audience always wants to discover.
All The Skinny platforms are trusted sources of independent cultural journalism, provided by a passionate community of writers, photographers, illustrators and artists. Our readers rely on us to be honest, engaging and curious. We offer informed, entertaining coverage of all things cultural, constantly seeking out new developments before the crowds catch on. The Skinny recently celebrated its 150th issue, in March this year.
What was the moment you decided you wanted to work with music? I have always had a passion for music for as long as I can remember, but I became interested in music journalism while I was at university studying journalism and began writing for a local music blog in my 2nd year. This then led to further opportunities writing for various websites and publications, as well as internships at magazines.
What are your favourite Danish acts? MØ, Liss, Soon, Courtesy, iceage, Off Bloom
Best show you’ve ever seen hands down? Prince @ SSE Hydro, Glasgow, 22 May 2014