Mød Joe Gardner fra We Are Grape

Inden SPOT 2018 introducerer MXD dig til flere af de internationale branchepersoner, som har bekræftet deres deltagelse på årets SPOT. Her kan du møde Joe Gardner fra We Are Grape.

Du kan møde alle MXD’s internationale gæster til MXD’s Superbowl, vores årlige SPOT networking-arrangement mellem den internationale og danske musikbranche, som finder sted lørdag d. 12/5 i Århus Bowlinghal.





Name: Joe Gardner

Company: We Are Grape Ltd.

Title: Acting Head of Content and Production

Based in: Shoreditch, London


Can you tell us a bit about the company’s history and its roster? The company was set up by two experienced radio producer’s around 8 years ago. We currently produce weekly music shows for BBC Radio 1, documentaries for BBC World Service, audio series for Spotify, and shows for Red Bull Radio, Audioboom and iHeart Radio.

Our roster includes Pete Tong, Annie Mac, Annie Nightingale and Radio 1’s Dance Anthems on BBC Radio 1. For Spotify we produce the songwriting series ‘Secret Genius’ and the newly launched ‘Spotify Digs’ series. We manage, produce and deliver internationally syndicated dance music shows / podcasts for Joris Voorn, Pete Tong and Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano. I also lead visual content for Grape, producing various music documentaries for the BBC Radio 1 iPlayer.

– and a bit about the acts you personally work with at this moment? In terms of music acts, we work with hundreds of dance artists each year in the capacity of radio and visual content producers. Whether that be booking live performances at Maida Vale with dance duo Dusky, filming documentaries with Calvin Harris, David Guetta and Diplo, or recording in-depth interviews with Noel Gallagher.

What was the moment you decided you wanted to work with music? When I heard The Orb’s Little Fluffy Clouds at the age of 8.

What are your favourite Danish acts? MØ, I’m ashamed to say I don’t know many others.

Best show you’ve ever seen hands down? Daft Punk, Wireless Festival in Hyde Park in 2007