Mød Adam Ryan fra The Great Escape
Inden SPOT 2018 introducerer MXD dig til flere af de internationale branchepersoner,som har bekræftet deres deltagelse på årets SPOT. Her kan du møde Adam Ryan, som kommer til Aarhus på udkig efter bands til den britiske festival The Great Escape.
Du kan møde alle MXD’s internationale gæster til MXD’s Superbowl, vores årlige SPOT networking-arrangement mellem den internationale og danske musikbranche, som finder sted lørdag d. 12/5 i Århus Bowlinghal.
Name: Adam Ryan
Company: The Great Escape
Title: Programmer
Based in: London
Can you tell us a bit about the festival’s history? The Great Escape was started by Martin Elborn (Glastonbury Festival) and Jon Mac (Reading and Leeds), who noticed that there was a need for a SXSW style event in the UK. TGE is now in its 12th year and plays host to over 450 artists from around the world and 3000 music industry delegate who attend the conference.
What was the moment you decided you wanted to work with music? I’ve always enjoyed going out and watching live music, maybe a little too much. When I found out promoting my own club night and live shows could be a full time job, I never looked back.
Best show you’ve ever seen hands down? Promoting a show with The XX at a 200 cap venue was pretty special. First time watching Trash Talk. Radiohead at South Park in Oxford. LCD Soundsystem back to back with Too Many DJ’s in a warehouse in Kings Cross. Aphex Twin at some small club, which I was reminded of the other day. Countless others.