Meet The Music Supervisors: Hvor der pitches på livet løs
Messingklokken står klar på bordet ved indgangen, og lokalet summer af forventning. Der er på den ene side af de mange, små runde caféborde musicsupervisors fra Los Angeleles, New York, San Francisco, Hamborg, Berlin og København. På den anden side står leverandørerne af musikken klar til at pitche deres katalog og med lidt held, og en dygtig portion erfaring og forberedelse, at lande en aftale.
Det er med stor fornøjelse, at der under SPOT kan bydes velkommen til endnu en omgang Meet The Music Supervisors, og til et kuld benhårde music supervisors fra “Hollywood og omegn” som gæster til vores Meet The Music Supervisors-speed-meetings, der finder sted under seminar- og netværksdelen, SPOT+.
Vi har talt med et par af deltagerne under Meet The Music Supervisors:
Music Supervisors:
Hvem er du?
Navn: Eva Beck
Selskab: Cookies For All, Berlin
Rolle: Music Supervisor
Hvorfor er du her?
“I got invited to meet a couple of publishers and people who would like to get into the sync industry, and I hoped I could help. I’ve met a lot of inspiring, interesting people today. It’s been great.”
Hvad er dit mål for i dag?
“I just want to get inspired, meet people and see fans. It’s my first time at SPOT, and I’m amazed so far. So today is gonna be packed with shows. It’s just gonna be me, walking around, crashing some venues, and hopefully see some good shows.”
Hvad har du fået ud af dine speed meetings?
“I met Back to Future which was really interesting, because they also do in sessions. A super creative team whom I could really imagine working with. But all the others where super great and it’s a chill atmosphere. I’m excited about the playlist they’re gonna send me.”
Hvad synes du om SPOT+ og SPOT?
“I really like it. I’ve been to Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg last year, which has something similar but I dig this a lot more. It’s a better vibe, a great atmosphere. It’s just great being here. And i’m going to see IAMJJ tonight. The people I’ve talked to here, pointed out things for me to go see. So I got some suggestions, which was great.”
Hvem er du?
Navn: Angel Mendoza
Selskab: A/V Squad, Los Angeles
Rolle: Director
Hvorfor er du her?
“I’m here from Los Angeles, and I’m here to discover new music. Things that we don’t have easy access to in the States.”
Hvad er dit mål for i dag?
“The industry is a competitive game and we always wanna make sure that we’re on our edge. I always wanna be the first to find THE new music.”
Hvad har du fået ud af dine speed meetings?
“I talked to all these wonderful people and listened to some really exciting stuff. And I was really impressed with some of the music. I can honestly say, that out of all the listening sessions that I’ve done, I feel that I’ve gotten the most out of this one. Everyone knew to bring their A-game.”
Hvad synes du om SPOT+ og SPOT?
“The whole festival so far has just been amazing. The stages around Godsbanen, the whole area is just spot on. I wish more American festivals would do it like this. I like that it’s almost only upcomming bands, instead of hyping it up. Cause this is what it’s all about. Finding the music.”
Hvem er du?
Navn: Johanna Aalto
Selskab: Light Tide Production Oy Ltd. (Finland)
Rolle: CEO
Hvorfor er du her?
“The main thing is to meet the people in the sync industry. And we’ve gotten that, we’ve gotten some contacts and some music to films and trailers. We’re new to the sync industry, before that it was live acts and albums, but this pitching and synchronizing is totally new for us. So we’re learning here. And it went well.”
Hvad har du fået ud af dine speed meetings?
“The people here are very nice. And the response has been good. I’m very excited.”
Hvad synes du om SPOT+ og SPOT?
“We are a indie label, and are here to meet people and music supervisors. We are presenting instrumental and guitar music, which have a very wide range of genres. That’s a good thing, but can also give some difficulties when presenting the music. So this kind of festival is actually good for that, because you can meet and talk to the people.”
Hvem er du?
Navn: Ocean Thomsen
Selskab: Wild North Music
Rolle: Producer
Hvorfor er du her?
“Vi er helt nye i sync, så formålet er at få sync’et vores artister ud til nogle supervisors, som kan placere musikken i nogle film og serier. Det er nyt for os, men jeg tager den fra bunden af. Både på PROMUS Publishing Academy, som er med til at arrangere dette, og ved at komme til de her møder, få skabt netværk og møde nogen at få lov til at sætte nogle hovedtelefoner på dem. Og det har jeg fået lov til i dag, så det er godt.”
Hvad har du fået ud af dine speed meetings?
“Det er gået rigtig godt, og nogle af de internationale spillere ville jeg jo ikke have chancen hos, hvis jeg bare sendte en mail. Så det er fedt, og hos dem er det lidt knald eller fald. Jeg vil hellere spille noget for dem, end kun at sende en mail.”
Hvad synes du om SPOT+ og SPOT?
“Det er et genialt arrangement og det måtte godt være dobbelt så langt, så jeg kunne møde alle her. Men nu skal jeg ud og headhunt’e dem på festivalen, hvis muligheden opstår, hvorimod her er det en ordentlig måde at gøre det på. Det er en stor chance for os selskaber, synes jeg.”
Hvem er du?
Navn: Jon Pierre
Firma: jon pierre music audio creative, Chicago
Rolle: Music producer, composer, writer
Hvorfor er du her?
“I came to SPOT to make some new opportunities, network, meet new people. These things are necessary”
Hvad er dit mål for i dag?
“The aim of today was to meet all the music supervisors in there, and have at least what I felt to be a succesfull meeting, which I did. I met with seven people today. Hopefully, after today, the aim is to get work and some placements.”
Hvad har du fået ud af dine speed meetings?
“Overall I think it went really well. They where all really open and gave me feed-back right away. Really positive feed-back. My music was good for them, and it was a lot of fun. Very nice people and I’m gonna be following up with everybody.”
“I would really love a publishing contract to come out of this. It seems, like more and more, it’s the way to go for composers. I just talked to Mike Gladman (Droga5, ed.) and he let me know something I didn’t, that a lot of the bigger agencies want the smaller audio companies, to have errors and omissions insurance, because of legal indemnity problems. So now they want you to have your own insurance. So that’s good information.”